Adobe – CJK Type Blog CJK Fonts, Character Sets & Encodings. Thu, 26 Feb 2009 10:07:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Using AFDKO To Build OpenType Fonts Thu, 26 Feb 2009 10:07:43 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Chinese
AFDKO 2.5 is released!
If you want to learn what new features AFDKO 2.5 brings, please access the article entitled “AFDKO 2.5 is released!” on typblography blog, the author is Read Roberts who develops and maintains AFDKO.
If it is the first time you learn AFDKO, perhaps the following questions are of interest to you.

Q1: Can I use AFDKO to design or edit glyphs?
A: No, you can’t. AFDKO does not offer tools for designing or editing glyphs. it is for building OpenType fonts using existing and fully-designed PostScript fonts, and for proofing them. Some of the more advanced AFDKO tools, such as tx, mergeFonts and rotateFont, can be used to manipulate the glyph sets of existing fonts.
Q2: Is the AFDKO free software?
A: There are no charges to use AFDKO, meaning that it is free. However, you need to accept the FDK end-user License agreement first, and use them at your own risk, and with no guarantee of support. Of course, if you encounter any problems or issues with the AFDKO tools, please report them so that they can be fixed.
Q3: Where to get AFDKO tutorial?
A: AFDKO tutorials are included in the sub-directory “Technical Documentation” of the unzipped AFDKO. The document entitled “AFDKO Version 2.0 Tutorial: mergeFonts,rotateFont and autohint” in the file “5900.RFMFAH_Tutorial.pdf”, that provides further information for these three tools. And Chinese and Japanese translations of this tutorial will soon be ready.
Q4: Does AFDKO have different versions according to OS?
A: Yes, AFDKO has Windows version and Mac OS X version, so please download proper version as your system.
Q5: How to install AFDKO?
A: An installation guide is included in the Read_Me_First.html file, which is in the root directory of the unzipped AFDKO.
Q6: What are the system requirements for the AFDKO 2.5?
A: AFDKO 2.5 requires Mac OS X 10.4.x or later, or Windows XP or later.
Q7: Can I use batch processing to run these tools?
A: Yes, this is one of the strengths of AFDKO, because it represents a suite of command-line driven font development tools.
Q8: Who uses AFDKO to build their OpenType fonts?
A: Adobe! We use the AFDKO tools to develop our own OpenType fonts. Several type foundries are also using AFDKO to develop their OpenType fonts.
If you want to learn more information about AFDKO 2.5,Please access
The following introduction was extracted from Ken Lunde’s “CJKV Information Processing” second edition. I strongly recommend you this book if your work or interest is related to Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese information process. This book covers a lot of knowledge of CJKV process text, such as character set standards, encoding methods, input methods, font formats and so on.
Adobe Systems released a suite of command-line–driven font development tools, called AFDKO (Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType), which are specifically designed to ease or simplify the development of OpenType fonts.† These tools are updated on a regular basis, in order to address any bugs and to provide enhancements or new functionality, with new options for existing tools, and sometimes in the form of new tools. It is important to note that the tools provided in AFDKO are the same tools that Adobe Systems uses to develop its own OpenType fonts, meaning that I and other members of Type Development at Adobe Systems use them to develop and test OpenType fonts; because they are command-line tools, they are suitable for batch processing. The tools provided in AFDKO are thus industrial-strength, and have a high level of support commitment by Adobe Systems. In case it is not painfully obvious, I highly recommend their use. In addition, Font-Lab and DTL licensed portions of AFDKO as the basis for the OpenType support for their font production applications, such as FontLab Studio and DTL FontMaster.
Table 6-55 lists the majority of the font development and testing tools that are included in AFDKO, along with a brief description of their use and whether it is intended or suitable for development, testing, or both.
AFDKO tools, their p Table 6-55. urposes, and descriptions.

Tool name Purpose Description
autohint Development Apply hinting to Type 1 or Type 2 charstrings
checkOutlines Development and testing Detect and fix outline issues, such as overlapping or reversed paths
compareFamily Testing Compare family-level attributes of multiple fonts
detype1 Development Decompiles a Type 1 font into human-readable form—see type1
MakeOTF Development OpenType font compiler
mergeFonts Development Merge multiple fonts, add/remove glyphs, and change glyph names
rotateFont Development Rotate/shift glyphs and change glyph names
sfntdiff Testing Compare OpenType (aka ‘sfnt’) tables
sfntedit Development and testing Add, remove, replace, or delete OpenType (aka ‘sfnt’) tables
spot Testing ‘sfnt’ resource analysis
tx (Short for Type eXchange) Development and testing Font conversion and analysis
type1 Development Compiles a Type 1 font from human-readable form—see detype1

Careful and effective use of the AFDKO tools can be used to establish a complete font production workflow. The mergeFonts tool, for example, is a very rudimentary CIDFont resource compiler, able to merge multiple name-keyed Type 1 fonts into a single CIDFont resource. Precise use of this tool, specifically through the use of carefully written mapping files that drive the specification of hint dictionaries and the mapping of glyph names to CIDs, can result in a truly industrial-strength CIDFont resource compiler, as opposed to a rudimentary one.
The document entitled AFDKO Version 2.0 Tutorial: mergeFonts, rotateFont & autohint (Adobe Technical Note #5900), which is included in AFDKO as part of its documentation, provides insights into making more effective use of some of its more powerful tools.

使用 AFDKO 创建OpenType字库
AFDKO 2.5 发布了!您可以访问获得该工具包。如果您想了解AFDKO 2.5 的更新内容,请访问typblography blog中标题为“AFDKO 2.5 is released!”的文章,其作者是Read Roberts,他负责开发和维护AFDKO.
如果这是您第一次接触AFDKO, 也许以下的问题也正是您所感兴趣的。
Q1. 我可以用AFDKO设计或修改字形吗?
A: 不可以。 AFDKO不提供设计或修改字形的工具。它是在设计好的PostScript 字库基础上创建OpenType字库, 它也可以用来进行字库的验证。另外它还包含一些更专业的工具,比如 tx,mergeFont 和rotateFont,这些工具可以对已存在的字形进行操作。
Q2. AFDKO是免费软件吗?
A: 使用AFDKO没有收费,所以它是免费的。不过,您需要接受FDK最终用户协议,自己承担使用中的风险,并且没有技术支持方面的保证。 当然,如果您遇到任何困难或发现AFDKO 工具的问题,请报告给我们,以便问题得到及时的修正。
A: AFDKO的帮助文档存放在解压缩后的AFDKO的”Technical Documentation”子目录下。”AFDKO Version 2.0 Tutorial: mergeFonts,rotateFont and autohint”(5900.RFMFAH_Tutorial.pdf)为mergeFonts,rotateFont and autohint提供了更进一步的说明,并且中日文的译本即将发布。
A: 是的,AFDKO分Windows版和Mac OS X版两种,所以请根据您的系统状况下载恰当的版本。
A: 在解压缩后的AFDKO根目录下有一个名为Read_Me_First.html文件,在该文档中有详细的安装向导。
Q6.AFDKO 2.5对系统有什么样的要求?
A: AFDKO 2.5需要Mac OS X 10.4 .x 以上或 Windows XP 以上的版本。
A: 可以,这也是AFDKO的一个优势,因为AFDKO的开发工具都支持命令行形式。
A: Adobe! 我们使用AFDKO工具开发自己的OpenType 字库。 有一些字库厂商也正使用AFDKO开发他们的字库。
如果您想了解更多关于AFDKO 2.5的信息,请访问
下面关于AFDKO的介绍节选于Ken Lunde 所写的第二版“CJKV Information Processing” 。如果您的工作或兴趣与中日韩越(CJKV)信息处理方面相关,我强烈推荐您去读这本书,该书介绍了大量CJKV信息处理方面的知识,比如字符集标准、编码、输入法和字体格式等等。
AFDKO (Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType) 是Adobe 发布的一套支持命令行方式的字库开发工具,它专门为OpenType字库简易开发而设计。这些工具会随时得到更新,其目的是为了解决一些已有的问题并随时增加新的功能,一般会以添加新选项到已有工具中的方式来增加新功能,但有时也会以增加新工具的形式来实现。值得一提的是AFDKO工具包也正是Adobe开发自己字库的工具包,这意味着我及其他字库开发成员都用它进行OpenType字库的开发与测试。由于它们是命令行工具,所以非常适合运行批处理。AFDKO所提供的工具有如此的优势,并拥有来自Adobe的高水准支持,所以我强烈推荐大家使用它。另外,FontLab和DTL将部分AFDKO功能作为他们字体软件中OpenType支持方面的基准,比如Fontlab Studio 和DTL FontMaster。

工具名称 用途 描述
autohint 开发 添加hinting到Type1 或Type2 charstrings.
checkOutlines 开发和测试 检查和修复轮廓问题,比如轮廓重叠或反向路径的问题
compareFamily 测试 比较多种字库的家族属性
detype1 开发 反编译Type 1 字库到可读形式的Type1数据
MakeOTF 开发 OpenType 字体编译器
mergeFonts 开发 合并多款字库,增加/删除 字形和改变字形名称
rotateFont 开发 旋转/移动字形及修改字形名称
sfntdiff 测试 比较OpenType(亦称为‘sfnt’)表
sfntedit 开发和测试 增加,删除,替换或删除OpenType(亦称为‘sfnt’)表
spot 测试 ‘ sfnt’ 资源分析
tx (Short for Type eXchange) 开发和测试 字库转换及分析
type1 开发 将可读形式的Type1数据编译成Type1 字库

合理有效地使用AFDKO工具可以创建完整的字体生产流程,以mergeFonts 工具为例,它是一个非常基本的CID 字库编译器,可以将多个按名称索引(name-keyed)的Type 1字库合并到一个独立的CID字库数据中。准确地使用该工具,特别是合理设置对应关系表,在该对应表中定义特定的hint字典和字符名称(glyph names)与CID的对应关系,通过和该关系表的结合运用,可以将原先基本的编译工具变成一个更强大的CID 字库编译器。
请参考AFDKO Version 2.0 Tutorial:: mergeFonts, rotateFont & autohint(Adobe Technical Note #5900), AFDKO工具包中包含该文档,它更深入地介绍了有效使用一些强大工具的方法。

Create Your Own “招財進寳” Glyph Wed, 21 Jan 2009 19:23:00 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Chinese
When the Spring Festival comes, Chinese people have many traditional customs to create a warm and festive atmosphere. One of these customs is to plaster a large ideograph “福” on the door, to wish good fortune and happiness throughout the New Year, and some businesses would like to plaster their rooms with a special character bao.png to wish plentiful money and treasures to come in the New Year. This glyph is composed of four characters that are “招財進寳”, “財” means money, and “寳”means treasures. Actually, this glyph is not a real or genuine hanzi, and no character set includes it, so we can not enter this glyph directly via standard fonts. Fortunately, SING (Smart INdependent Glyphlets) technology offers us a way to create and use this character. Please follow these DIY (Do It Yourself) instructions for this glyph.

First, let us confirm our design goals:
1. Typeface of this glyph
I prefer a calligraphic style, so I chose Adobe Kaiti Std as the reference font, and built this SING glyphlet as an extra glyph of the same font.
2. Encoding of this glyph
Although the character for this glyph is not in any character set, and thus does not have a code point, we could regard this glyphlet as an alternate form of the ideograph “寳” meaning that this glyphlet will be treated as a variant form of the Unicode code point for “寳” Thus, we can access this glyphlet by searching for “寳” in the Glyph Panel.
Now, let us start building this glyph.
1. Building SING glyphlets
Step 1. Launch Illustrator CS3/4 Traditional Chinese version, and create a new document.
Step 2. Use the Type tool “T” to enter “寳” in a text frame, then apply the Adobe Kaiti Std font to this frame.
Step 3. Highlight this character, then choose Type > Create glyphlet,which will show the following window. Click the OK (確定) button to create a new glyphlet.
Step 4. Using Illustrator to build glyphlets
The following figure illustrates the five guide lines that are used to correctly position the glyph:
EM Box: This is square space for fonts in which ideographs are optically-centered, and you are strongly advised not to design the glyphlet out of its space.
Latin Baseline: Using a different Latin baseline can cause text to become inconsistent, so please make sure this glyphlet and other regular hanzi share the same Latin baseline.
Tip: Open the Layer Panel (Window > Layer), then lock the guide lines to prevent you from shifting or removing them while making the glyph.
The glyph of “寳” is a now a drawing composed of outlines, not text. Besides “”寳” we also need to borrow some components from other characters, such as “辶” “招” and “准”, Enter these characters using Adobe Kaiti Std in the text frame, highlight the text frame, then choose “Type > Create outlines” to convert the text to outlines. Now that
they are regular outline objects, you are free to modify their shapes as you desire.
Tip: If you want to delete, shift, or isolated the strokes of a glyph,you first need to ungroup or release the compound path. (Choose the glyph, click the right button of mouse, or Control-Click on Mac OS X,then choose ungroup or release compound path in the pop-up menu.)
The following figure illustrates the glyph that I designed:
Step 5: Save this glyphlet as a “gai” file.
The default Unicode code point shows the value for “寳” specifically U+5BF3, but it also allows you to change the Unicode code point. For example, you could input “宝” into this field directly, fill in the requirement items in the dialog, then choose “save as glyphlet” in the panel menu.
2. Registering glyphlets
Launch Adobe SING Glyphlet Manager (ASGM), import the new “gai” file, then refresh the glyphlets.
3. Using this glyphlet in ID.
Step 1: Launch ID CS3/4 then create a new document
Step 2: Using the type tool (“T”), enter the character “寳” into the text frame, then apply the Adobe Kaiti Std font to the text frame.
Step 3: Select the character, and when you open the Glyph Panel, you will find that the character is highlighted.
Step 4: Click the lower-right triangle icon to display a pop-up menu of alternate glyphs, double-click this glyphlet so that it is inserted at the text insertion point.
If you want to use this glyphlet in your own document, please click the right button of mouse on this link to save this ID file to your computer. Because SING glyphlets are always embedded in ID documents, you can easily copy and past glyphlets from any document to your own ID document, then apply any point size to this character. As you can see, it is easy to exchange glyphlets with other people. Enjoy SING!
Here is a design that includes this new glyph. If you wish to enjoy this Chinese traditional custom, please print this design and cut out the red shape, then plaster your place with this special character bao.png,to wish plentiful money and treasures to come in the New Year!

设计自己的 “招財進寳”
当新春到来时,在中国有许多传统习俗可以营造浓浓的节日气氛。其中一个习俗就是在门上帖上一个‘福’字来祝愿新年平安幸福,而一些商家更喜欢通过另一个特殊字符bao.png期盼来年财源广进。这个特殊字符由“招財進寳”四个字组成,实际上它不是一个真正意义上的字,由于没有任何字符集包含它,所以我们也很难直接使用标准字库输入该字符,但是SING(Smart INdependent Glyphlets) 技术为我们制作和使用该字提供了可能,下面请看DIY该字符的介绍。
1> 字的风格
我喜欢书法字体,所以选用Adobe 楷体作为参考字体,并希望该字符以补字的形式与Adobe 楷体字库一起使用。
2> 字的编码
1,启动Illustrator CS3/4 中文繁体版并新建一个文档。
2,在工具条中选择“T”标识的文字工具,在文档中新建一个文本框,选用Adobe 楷体输入“寳”字,之所以在这里输入该字,是希望新建的字能借用“寳”的编码,和“寳”字产生关联。
3,选中该字,选择 “文字” > “从选取的文字建立字符档”,这时会出现以下对话框,直接点“确定”按钮即可。
4,利用Illustrator 工具制作字模。
EM Box 是指字库的字面大小,设计字模时请不要超出该框范围;
Latin Baseline 是指基线,在设计字模时请参考其它汉字与该基线的位置关系,确保与其它汉字在一个水平线上。
目前“寳”这个汉字已经被转化为轮廓的形式,除了“寳”字,我们还需要借用其它字的部件。请分别用“T”工具输入了“辶”、“招”、“准”这几个字,然后选中文本框,选择 “文字”>“建立外框” 将其转为轮廓的形式,当这些字符转为轮廓之后,我们就可以随意修改、删除这些轮廓。
如果字符档调板没有被打开,可以通过 “文字”>“字符档” 调出字符档调板(如图所示),目前默认的Unicode值是“寳”的U+5BF3,如果你想将该字与其它字关联起来,比如简写的“宝”字,那在这里直接输入“宝”即可。填写必要的项目,选中字符档调板右上角的小三角打开调板菜单,选中“另存为字符档”将其保存为gai 文件。
启动ASGM(Adobe SING Glyphlet Manager),导入gai文件,并刷新字模。
1,启动InDesign CS3/4,新建文档。
2,在文档中用Adobe 楷体输入“寳”字。
如果你也想在自己的文档中使用该字,可以点鼠标右键保存 该ID 文件。因为ID会自动嵌入所造的字形,所以只需打开ID文件,拷贝粘贴该字符到你的ID文档中,然后按需要任意设置该字的磅数即可。看,DIY自己的新字并与他人共享自己的作品就那么简单,你也来试试吧!

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