We are responsible for CCJK(Chinese, Japanese and Korean) Type Quality Engineering in Adobe. There is no doubt in our mind that font is an important element for applications and fonts tie with applications to show various type features. It’s complementary between fonts and applications. Therefore, we are also interested in all of popular DTP applications on top of type areas.
This blog will contain our thoughts about CCJK Type , DTP applications and Type-related knowledge. We’ll write blogs in English or Chinese, and we‘d like to translate some contents into Japanese or Korean .
우리는 Adobe에서 주로 한•중•일 글꼴에 관한 품질 관리를 담당하고 있습니다. 글꼴은 소프트웨어에 있어서 중요한 요소이며 소프트웨어를 통해서 글꼴의 다양한 기능을 구현할 수 있다는 것을 우리는 믿어 의심치 않습니다. 글꼴과 소프트웨어는 서로 보완하는 사이라고 볼 수 있습니다. 그러므로 우리는 타이포그래피 영역과 더불어 모든 DTP 소프트웨어에 관심을 기울이고 있습니다.
이 블로그는 한•중•일 글꼴 및 DTP 소프트웨어, 타이포그래피 관련 지식에 대한 우리의 생각을 담을 것입니다. 우리는 영어 또는 중국어로 이 블로그를 쓸 것이며 일부 내용은 일본어와 한국어로도 번역하고자
Adobe InDesign 到什么版本才加入简繁转换功能呢?
CS4 里 Adobe 附送的中文字体还是少了,希望再多些款式的字体。
>Adobe InDesign 到什么版本才加入简繁转换功能呢?
1, 建一个文本框,使用’Adobe 楷体 Std’ 输入简体文字.比如”中国”.
2, 选菜单中的文字>字符,调出字符调板.
3, 选中”中国”两个字,然后点字符调板右上角的菜单,勾选’传统格式’.
May I suggest a topic for this blog, in the hope it is not beyond the scope of what you planned.
In Ken Lundes “CJKV” is a chapter about typography, but it deals mainly with layout issues, not with inline typography. My question, which might be an idea for a topic here, is: How does the Western concept of emphasis using italic or bold type translate into Asian languages? Apparently ‘obliqued’ han characters are a bad thing, most probably ‘bolded’ character are an equally bad choice. Do you use special signs for emphasis? How are alternate (matching) fonts selected?
Thanks for considering this.
My colleague, Gu Hua, is better equipped to respond to this in the context of Chinese. (My own thought about this is that some typeface styles, such as Fangsong, can function the same as italic.)
For Japanese, there are two common ways to represent emphasis. One way is to use katakana. In some ways, it is equivalent to using italics. But, it is useful only for words that do not require kanji. For kanji, the use of dots or dot-like annotations, to draw the readers’ attention to the words that they annotate, are used. These are called boten (傍点) or kenten (圏点). I consider this equivalent to underlining.
Emboldening text is certainly used, but perhaps to a more limited extent than in the West, meaning more sparingly. Interestingly, italic forms of kanji do exist, but unlike italic forms in the West that are either redesigned or merely obliqued, they are obliqued along two axes. This is very complex, and very rarely used.
I agree, though, that this would be an interesting article for this blog. We will keep it in mind.