

针对缺字问题,Adobe为用户和字体开发者提供了名为SING(Smart INdependent Glyphs)的补字解决方案。该技术的优点是所补的字以gai文件的形式独立存在,文件体积很小,可以和某个字体进行逻辑上的关联。另外所补的字可以嵌入文档,即使在另一台电脑中打开也不会出现丢字的状况。
目前只有中日韩版本的Creative Suite 支持SING,其造字流程如下:
Adobe提供了Glyphlets Creation Tool(GCT)和Glyphlet Development Kit(GDK)两种工具来满足不同用户的需求。
对于CS最终用户来讲,可以利用Illustrator CS2 及后续更高版本自带的GCT插件来制作SING字形。GCT插件是专门为创建SING 字形而设计开发的,用GCT创建字形时可以参考已安装字体的轮廓,而Illustrator本身所具有的强大绘图功能为制作字形提供了非常大的便利。
除了以上工具,也可以使用第三方的工具制作SING字形,比如 FontLab 的 SigMaker及Musashi System的SINGEdit
打开ASGM (Adobe SING Glyphlet Manager) 程序,导入gai文件并刷新数据。除了增加字形,ASGM还提供了删除、查询等管理功能。
打开InDesign /InCopy,通过字形调板插入新补字形
4. 输出
新补的字形可以嵌入在InDesign 及PDF文档中,这样即使在另一台电脑中打开文档也不会出现缺字的问题。


Using SING to create gaiji
The number of glyphs that a font can include is limited. For CCJK typesetting, some customers still need specific glyphs that are not included in the font even if the font is bases on a seemingly large character set. The missing glyph problem often occurs when arranging and composing a huge amount historical data. How can we solve this missing glyph problem?
The original method was to simply draw a picture, and then to insert it into the text. The obvious defect is that the layout is awful, and the picture can not be resized accordingly when the font size is changed. Another method is adding the missing glyph into the font using professional font software. It is a good way if you own the copyright of the font, and have the enough experience building fonts.In general, most type vendors do not allow end-user modification of their fonts.
SING (Smart INdependent Glyphlets) technology was developed by Adobe, and is a gaiji solution to solve the missing glyph problem for end users and developers. SING glyhlets can be created based on an installed font. Each SING glyhlet is a small independent file that uses a “.gai” filename extension, and is only a few kilobytes in size.When a glyphlet is used in a document by a SING-savvy application, it is always embedded in that document.
SING technology is built into CCJK versions of the Adobe Creative Suite since CS2. The workflow is as follows:
1. Building SING glyphlets
To satisfy different user requirements, Adobe offers two tools for this, specifically the Glyphlet Creation tool (GCT) and a Glyphlet Development Kit (GDK).
For end users, GCT is used, which is an Adobe Illustrator plug-in. The GCT plug-in is specifically designed to build SING glyphlets, with the obvious added feature to design the glyphs themselves using the strong drawing capabilities of Illustrator, along with access to the glyph outlines of installed fonts.
For font developers, they are expected to start with glyphs prepared by font design applications, and then use tools provided in the GDK to convert the desired glyphs into SING glyphlets. The tools in the GDK supports many font formats, such as TTF, OTF, PFA, PFB, and so on.
Also, SING glyphlets can be created using third-party applications, such as FontLab’s SigMaker and Musashi Systems’ SINGEdit.
2. Registering glyphlets
The Adobe SING Glyphlet Manager (ASGM) application provides the ability to manage glyphlets. The registration process is simple, and simply involves importing the *.gai files and then refreshing.
3. Inserting glyphlets
SING glyphlets are currently supported by InDesign and InCopy, Version
CS2 and later. SING glyphlets can be inserted via the Glyph Panel.
4. Export and output
The SING glyphlets can be embedded in InDesign documents and when the document is exported to PDF.


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Gaiji (外字): Characters and/or glyphs that are legal,but not in desired font.

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