
在InDesign 中日韩版本的“ 首选项”调版中提供了更改度量单位的选项(“ 编辑”>“ 首选项”>“ 单位和增量”(Windows) 或“InDesign”>“ 首选项”>“ 单位和增量”(Mac OS) ),其中关于文字大小的单位有三种选择,它们分别是‘点’(pt)、‘级’(Q)、‘美式点’(ap)。

点(pt):‘点’是目前最常用的排版单位,在中文排版中也称该单位为‘磅’,它与英寸及毫米的折算关系是1pt=1/72 inch =0.3528mm。该单位经常被误认为等同于象素(pixel)单位,其实‘点’并不是‘象素’,它们之间的换算关系与屏幕或打印分辨率有关。仅在分辨率是72 dpi(dot per inch)时,1 pt才与1 pixel相同, 如果分辨率是96 dpi,1 pt 等同与1.333 (96/72)象素单位。
级(Q):该单位起源于照相排版,专用于字体尺寸。‘齿’(Ha) 和‘级’(Q)所表示的度量大小都是0.25毫米,但是‘齿’(Ha)不可用于描述字体大小,它可作为行距,字距,基线偏移量的度量单位。

字号 中国 日本
初号(0号) 42 42
小初(small 0号) 36
一号(1号) 26 27.5
二号(2号) 22 21
小二(small 2 号) 18
三号(3 号) 16 16
小三(small 3 号) 15
四号(4 号) 14 13.75
小四(small 4 号) 12
五号(5 号) 10.5 10.5
小五(small 5 号) 9
六号(6 号) 7.5 8
小六(small 6号) 6.5
七号(7 号) 5.5 5.25
八号(8 号) 5 4

1pt=1/72 inch =0.3528mm
若想了解更多关于这方面的知识,请参考Ken Lunde 所写的第二版“CJKV Information Processing”中第476~ 第480页

Type-related Measurements Units
InDesign Asia version provides options to change measurement units in the preferences panel(Edit > Preferences > Units & Increments (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > Units & Increments (Mac OS)). There are three units for specifying type size, they are point (pt), 级(Q) and American point (ap) respectively.
Point(pt): Point is the most commonly used typographic unit. The conversion relationship is 1pt=1/72 inch =0.3528mm.It is often mistakenly thought as pixel units, please note that points are not pixel units. What is the relationship between points and pixel? The conversion based on screen/print resolution, 1 point is equal to 1 pixel only when the resolution is 72 dpi (dot per inch). If the resolution is 96 dpi, 1 point is equal to 1.333 (96/72) pixel.
级(Q):Q is delivered from phototypesetting, it is used strictly for specifying type size. ‘齿’(Ha) and ‘级’(Q) are equivalent to one-fourth of one millimeter (0.25 mm), however ‘齿’(Ha) is used for specifying leading, spacing, and baseline shift values and everything but type size.
American point (ap):ap is a traditional unit in United States, it is a little bit smaller than the point, it is approximately equal to 0.3514 millimeters.
In addition, there is another “号”(hào) unit for Chinese and Japanese Typesetting, it was used for specifying movable type (活字)size. This unit is replaced by point unit gradually, currently it is no longer used in Japan, but it still be used in China.
The following table provides these same “号”(hào) units together, as used in Japan and China, along with the equivalent sizes in points.

号 number China Japan
初号(0号) 42 42
小初(small 0号) 36
一号(1号) 26 27.5
二号(2号) 22 21
小二(small 2 号) 18
三号(3 号) 16 16
小三(small 3 号) 15
四号(4 号) 14 13.75
小四(small 4 号) 12
五号(5 号) 10.5 10.5
小五(small 5 号) 9
六号(6 号) 7.5 8
小六(small 6号) 6.5
七号(7 号) 5.5 5.25
八号(8 号) 5 4

1pt=1/72 inch =0.3528mm
Please refer to pages 476 through 480 of Ken Lunde’s “CJKV Information Processing” second edition for more information.

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