What if…

…Adobe were to host a font-development workshop in Japan, with a focus on leveraging specific AFDKO tools to simplify the effort needed to develop OpenType Japanese fonts? Tools, such as tx, mergeFonts, rotateFont, autohint, and stemHist, immediately come to mind. While there are currently no concrete plans in place, if there were to be sufficient demand for such an event, along with suggestions for specific topics to be covered, a tentative agenda could be produced.

Until such an event is scheduled and actually takes place, Adobe Tech Note #5900 (AFDKO Version 2.0 Tutorial: mergeFonts, rotateFont & autohint), which includes a Japanese translation, should prove to be useful. This document is included in AFDKO as part of its documentation, but its link is provided above for convenience.

I encourage anyone with an interest in attending such a workshop, to be held in Japan, to post comments that include suggestions for topics to be covered.


4 Responses to What if…

  1. 小形克宏 says:


  2. 岡野邦彦 says:









    Thanks so much for your recent articles on building CJK fonts and proposal to provide a workshop. They are very helpful.

    Recently in Japan, designers and students are getting interested in making Japanese font and try to do it, but some of them seem to think that it is very hard to build a JP font unlike making a Latin font because almost of font design tools are not for Japanese but Latin, then it is unable to build Japanese font without using AFDKO. Major font foundries have engineers and usually develop original tools and process, so I’m not sure if they are interested in this workshop, but freelancers like me and students who have just started making fonts don’t understand a process and tips to make a Japanese font with AFDKO. So we have been hoping that Adobe provides the AFDKO workshop in Japan. AFDKO is getting popular for JP type designers and developers even beginners because AFDKO topics often become *hot* on the Twitter timeline. And we have been thinking to have an AFDKO study session by ourself, so we are very glad and attend it if Adobe would host a workshop.

    I’m curious about the followings.

    How to make a Kana font to combine with existing JP full font using 合成フォント in Adobe apps.

    How to make a proportional JP font like Kazuraki, and the details of the Adobe-Identity-0 and the difference with a normal AJ character format.

    OpenType tables, especially basic tables like BASE or OS/2 and important parameters and options like language system settings when using fonts with Adobe applications.

    Adobe’s quality evaluation process for Japanese font.

    And as a type designer to make a Latin part for Japanese font.
    Can I put SmallCaps or special characters like ornaments which isn’t included in AJ characters into JP fonts?

    Best regards.

    • Many thanks for your detailed comments and suggestions. I can answer some of your questions:

      How to make a Kana font to combine with existing JP full font using 合成フォント in Adobe apps.

      There are two balances to be struck for kana fonts. On one end of the balance is including all of the glyphs that are necessary for InDesign’s Composite Font feature, in terms of kana coverage. On the other end is including enough additional glyphs so that the font is useful when used stand-alone. The “Kana Subset Definitions” section that is on page 6 of Adobe Tech Note #5078 (The Adobe-Japan1-6 Character Collection) provides details about this particular issue.

      How to make a proportional JP font like Kazuraki, and the details of the Adobe-Identity-0 and the difference with a normal AJ character format.

      While most of these details are encapsulated in Adobe Tech Note #5901 (Special-Purpose OpenType Japanese Font Tutorial: Kazuraki), which includes Japanese (和文) and Chinese (中文) translations, though I can see how conveying these details in a workshop would also be of benefit.

      OpenType tables, especially basic tables like BASE or OS/2 and important parameters and options like language system settings when using fonts with Adobe applications.

      I agree that these would be useful topics to cover, mainly in terms of providing recommended values.

      Adobe’s quality evaluation process for Japanese font.

      Another excellent topic.

      And as a type designer to make a Latin part for Japanese font.
      Can I put SmallCaps or special characters like ornaments which isn’t included in AJ characters into JP fonts?

      The best solution for this case, until such glyphs are added to future Supplement of Adobe-Japan1-x (note that small caps are among the candidate glyphs for Supplement 7), is to simply use the special-purpose Adobe-Identity-0 ROS.

  3. mashcosan says:


    > 基本的なOpenTypeテーブル、特にBASEやOS/2等で重要な言語設定などのパラメーターやオプション。

