Adobe Type Community Translation

Today the Adobe Type team launched a new pilot program for Community Translation. This program is aimed at getting translations for Adobe’s typeface notes and will reward contributors with free fonts. The team will be using an internal Adobe tool, the Adobe Translator application, to get translations for their 400+ typeface notes (also referred to as typeface histories). These typeface notes provide users additional information about the typeface and often include information about the history of the typeface. On average, these typeface notes are about 100 words in length.

The ultimate goal is to be able to provide these typeface notes in multiple languages, many of which are otherwise under-served. However, for this pilot program, the Type team is focusing on getting translations for four different languages: German, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese. If these translation efforts are successful, they’ll work on getting other languages available for translation.

To learn more about these efforts, the rewards for contributors, and how to contribute, refer to the full announcement on Typblography.

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