10月10日水曜日、香港で開催されたATypI Hong Kong 2012にてAFDKOワークショプをおこないました。とても専門的な内容にもかかわらず、多くの方にご参加いただきありがとうございました。
3時間のワークショプの前半2時間は、Ken Lundeによる「Manipulating CID-Keyed Fonts Using AFDKO Tools」が行われ、後半1時間「Turning CID-Keyed Fonts Into OpenType Fonts Using AFDKO」を私が担当しました。
内容は、Ken Lundeのワークショプで作成されたAdobe-Japan1-0形式のcidfont.psとAdobe-Identity-0形式のcidfont.psの2つのCIDFontリソースを利用してOpenTypeフォント化する手順です。
1つ目は、makeotfツールを実行するために必要な各種インプットファイルの設定方法を説明しながら基本的なOpenTypeフィーチャを持つフォントを作成します。2つ目はすこし複雑でAFDKOツールを使って横書き用かなと縦書き用かなの両方を持つcidfont.psを再生成し、かなをプロポーショナル化することでtruly-proportional OpenTypeかなフォントを作成します。
On October 10, 2012, a three-hour AFDKO workshop was held as one of the workshops at ATypI Hong Kong 2012. I would like to express my deep appreciation to those who participated. Thank you very much. Although many fine technical details needed to be covered, the workshop was very successful.
Ken Lunde’s two-hour portion of the workshop was about how to leverage various AFDKO tools for preparing and modifying CID-keyed fonts, and my portion was about how to turn a CID-keyed font into a fully-functional OpenType font.
In my portion of the workshop, I introduced how to turn the following two CIDFont resources into OpenType fonts: Adobe-Japan1-0 and Adobe-Identity-0 CID-keyed fonts, both of which had been created by Ken Lunde during his portion of the workshop. I first explained how to use the makeotf tool to build OpenType fonts. I then explained a more complicated method of making a truly-proportional OpenType kana font. The latter included information about how to make horizontal and vertical proportional kana glyphs by repurposing the existing kana glyphs.
The presentation slides and materials that I prepared for the workshop are now available to be downloaded. I hope that this information will help you to better understand how to use AFDKO tools to build CID-keyed OpenType fonts.