UTC #147

The next UTC (Unicode Technical Committee) meeting, the 147th one, takes place during the week of May 9th, and will be hosted at the Adobe headquarters in San José, California. All members of the Unicode Consortium, especially voting members, are encouraged to attend.

As the Adobe host of UTC #147, I will need to arrange some of the logistics, and generally be available to assist attendees with their needs, such as printing documents. In addition, there are several documents that I have in the pipeline that will either need to be discussed or at least brought to the UTC’s attention during UTC #147:

It is also the UTC meeting that takes place before Unicode Version 9.0, whose beta is underway as PRI #323, is released.


2 Responses to UTC #147

  1. Charlie says:

    I have read L2/16-063 “Proposal to accept the submission to register the “PanCJKV” IVD collection” and as far as I can tell it is nearly perfect. Congratulations!

    The only two very minor shortcomings that caught my eye are 1. ungrammatical “a good reasons” in the last sentence but one, and 2. writing “KāngXī dictionary” and “kāngxī zìdiǎn” when the name should be capitalized as “Kāngxī” following the rules in section 6.2.1 “人名拼写” of GB/T 16159-2012 “汉语拼音正词法基本规则” aka “Basic rules of the Chinese phonetic alphabet orthography.” — This is great work, sorry for nitpicking.

    • Thank you. I just submitted a new version of the document that fixes these two minor issues, and it should show up on the UTC document register in a day or two. I left the date on page one unchanged.