Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!

Actually, we do.

As pointed out in Matthew Rechs‘ recent and excellent Typekit Blog article about Unicode’s Adopt a Character campaign, these badges were designed by the very talented Jake Giltsoff of the Typekit team at Adobe. Mine for U+1F421 🐡 BLOWFISH is shown above.

I have been quite lonely as the sole Silver sponsor, but I am very pleased to report that Alexander Falk has recently joined me by sponsoring U+003C < LESS-THAN SIGN at the same level.


I am also very pleased that my employer, Adobe, has adopted U+0026 & AMPERSAND at the Gold level.

Keep those sponsorships coming! Especially Silver ones. 😉

It’s for a good cause, and you’ll get a nifty digital badge.

Edited on 2016-04-20 to add that effective 2016-04-18 all character adoptions are permanent.


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