Unicode Beyond-BMP Top Ten List

I have presented this internally, at IUC34, and as part of my presentation at the most recent IMUG meeting. It is a Top Ten list of reasons why it is important to support code points beyond the BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane). Click here to view it. Enjoy!

Adobe 网络字体登陆WebINK

原文 Adobe Web Fonts now on WebINK

我们非常高兴地宣布与WebINK 的合作,从今天开始 Adobe 将通过 WebINK Extensis 的网络字库服务为大家提供超过180款的Adobe网络字库。如果您已是WebINK的用户,那么现在就有更多更炫的字体等待您的选择。如果您还未使用过Adobe网络字库,那么现在就又多了一种途径可以应用Adobe字库。

这186款字库中包含了22款新字库,这些新字库都可以通过我们的合作伙伴 WebINK Typekit运用到网络上,另外我们还增加了三个新字体家族到Adobe Web Font collection.
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Japan’s Jōyō Kanji set has just been revised. So, what comes next?

Dr. Ken Lunde
Senior Computer Scientist, CJKV Type Development

Jōyō Kanji (常用漢字) represents the kanji that are in common use in Japan. Prior to 1981, it was known as Tōyō Kanji (当用漢字) and included 1,850 kanji. The last time that Japan’s Jōyō Kanji set was revised was in 1981, and 95 kanji were added, bringing the number of kanji to 1,945.

For the first time in nearly 30 years, the Jōyō Kanji set has been revised. The announcement was made on November 30, 2010. The final outcome was that 196 kanji were added, and five kanji were removed. Thus, the total number of Jōyō Kanji is now 2,136.

Perhaps more interesting is the effect that the Jōyō Kanji revision has on the Jinmei-yō Kanji (人名用漢字) set. The relationship between these two sets of kanji is important: the Jinmei-yō Kanji set includes kanji, above and beyond Jōyō Kanji, that have been deemed suitable for use in personal names. Thus, any kanji in the Jōyō Kanji set can be used for personal names. The Jinmei-yō Kanji set currently includes 985 kanji. When compared to the new Jōyō Kanji set, 129 kanji are now common, and can thus be removed from the Jinmei-yō Kanji set. Also, because Jōyō Kanji and Jinmei-yō Kanji together serve as the foundation for the kanji used in personal names, any kanji that are removed from the Jōyō Kanji set should be grandfathered by adding them to the Jinmei-yō Kanji set. There are five such cases.

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The “Hanyo-Denshi” IVD Collection has been registered!

Dr. Ken Lunde
Senior Computer Scientist, CJKV Type Development

I reported in the April 9, 2010 Typblography post that the “Hanyo-Denshi” (汎用電子) IVD Collection was submitted for registration, as PRI 167 (Public Review Issue #167). I am pleased to announce to readers of this blog that the “Hanyo-Denshi” IVD Collection was registered on November 14, 2010, and includes 4,195 IVSes. This represents a great achievement, specifically that it represents the second IVD collection to be successfully registered. The first, of course, was the “Adobe-Japan1” IVD Collection on December 14, 2007.

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大概两个月前,与Ken Lunde谈及新出版的《文字をつくる 9人の書体デザイナー》,其中有介绍到Adobe 的西塚凉子,Ken告诉我去年在香港出版了类似题材的一本中文书《一字一生》,而且他正在预订中,恰巧有同事要去圣何塞出差,于是就托他帮我订了一本,就这样,书从香港到圣何塞再到北京,辗转到了手中。

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       前文介绍了字库名称的重要性,如何真正命名字库,还需要字库开发者在制作字库时仔细按照OpenType specification的说明设置name table,每个参数设置的正确与否直接关系到字库是否能正确工作于各个平台。概括来说,name table主要包含的信息有:用于不同平台不同语言的字体家族名称、字体风格、PostScript 名字、字体版本、版权信息以及自定义的样本文字等等,可以说在该表中定义了字库的“身份”信息,是非常重要的一个表。 Continue reading…

Adobe Web Fonts


        本周Christopher Slye(Adobe Type Team Lead) 在 Adobe typblography blog 中宣布了Adobe 和Typekit的合作,介绍了Adobe 新的字体形式:Adobe Web Font。翻译如下:
  很多制作网站的人都听说过网络字体(Web Font)这个名词, 目前常用的浏览器都支持网络字体发布(通过CSS @font-face),这为设计人员提供了比以往任何时候都丰富的排版选项。在Adobe 我们一直在寻找一种最佳的方式去传递我们最受欢迎的设计给您,在此我们非常高兴地宣布和Typekit的合作,Typekit是位于旧金山的网络字体开拓者,从去年开始,他引领了网络字体技术和应用的开发。  

  在二十多年前,Adobe原创字体就在数字化字体领域竖立了一种标杆,它们不仅是经典、获奖无数的设计,而且其技术质量使它们成为了设计师和排版人员值得信赖的工具。网页质量和印刷质量同样重要,对于那些喜欢使用我们字体输出的用户而言,当您使用Adobe 网络字体时,会发现相同的质量和可靠性被呈现在网页中。   Continue reading…



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  一款凝聚着许多人心血的新字体终于面世了,第一件大事自然是要起个好名字,当然不能象起”小名”般随意,因为这名字将要登记在册,写入”家谱”,未来要登上Windows 、Mac OS X这样的平台,出入各式各样的App(Application)。那么什么样的名字才是好名字呢?

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