
在InDesign 中日韩版本的“ 首选项”调版中提供了更改度量单位的选项(“ 编辑”>“ 首选项”>“ 单位和增量”(Windows) 或“InDesign”>“ 首选项”>“ 单位和增量”(Mac OS) ),其中关于文字大小的单位有三种选择,它们分别是‘点’(pt)、‘级’(Q)、‘美式点’(ap)。

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Using AFDKO To Build OpenType Fonts

AFDKO 2.5 is released!
If you want to learn what new features AFDKO 2.5 brings, please access the article entitled “AFDKO 2.5 is released!” on typblography blog, the author is Read Roberts who develops and maintains AFDKO.
If it is the first time you learn AFDKO, perhaps the following questions are of interest to you.

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Create Your Own “招財進寳” Glyph

When the Spring Festival comes, Chinese people have many traditional customs to create a warm and festive atmosphere. One of these customs is to plaster a large ideograph “福” on the door, to wish good fortune and happiness throughout the New Year, and some businesses would like to plaster their rooms with a special character bao.png to wish plentiful money and treasures to come in the New Year. This glyph is composed of four characters that are “招財進寳”, “財” means money, and “寳”means treasures. Actually, this glyph is not a real or genuine hanzi, and no character set includes it, so we can not enter this glyph directly via standard fonts. Fortunately, SING (Smart INdependent Glyphlets) technology offers us a way to create and use this character. Please follow these DIY (Do It Yourself) instructions for this glyph.

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What Is Special About The Pr6N Fonts?

Chinese Japanese
The twelve Japanese “Pr6N” fonts that are bundled with CS4 provide an unprecedented level of functionality in terms of what Japanese fonts typically offer. These fonts come in two typeface families, Kozuka Mincho and Kozuka Gothic, and are available in six weights each, ranging from ExtraLight to Heavy. These fonts are special in that they are based on the Adobe-Japan1-6 character collection, are JIS2004- savvy, and included support for Ideographic Variation Sequences. This article will briefly touch upon these three areas.

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Four Simplified Chinese Fonts bundled with CS4

Many of you might have seen Adobe Heiti Std and Adobe Song Std in CS3, a good news is that two additional simplified Chinese fonts bundled with CS4, they are Adobe Kaiti Std and Adobe FangSong Std. All four fonts are OpenType (PostScript flavor) format, and are based on GB18030-2000 character set standard.

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Hello, World!

We are responsible for CCJK(Chinese, Japanese and Korean) Type Quality Engineering in Adobe. There is no doubt in our mind that font is an important element for applications and fonts tie with applications to show various type features. It’s complementary between fonts and applications. Therefore, we are also interested in all of popular DTP applications on top of type areas.
This blog will contain our thoughts about CCJK Type , DTP applications and Type-related knowledge. We’ll write blogs in English or Chinese, and we‘d like to translate some contents into Japanese or Korean .

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